Max Simmonds - Blog

A website featuring my projects

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My First Go At GO!

My wife and I recently had our first child. A lot of concerns and worries arise out of having a baby, and you become hyperfocused on their outputs (wee’s, poo’s, etc!). So, I wrote this tracking app, that has a go backend that’s hosted on GCP. It connects to a mySQL DB (also hosted on GCP) to store data such as outputs, and inputs like breast milk, formula, etc.

There’s a few things I want to add, like websockets for the timers (which currently stop when a phone is used and locked), and alerts for large drops in outputs or inputs.

The submission form


The dashboard


There’s currently an issue with the timers not working on phones, due to the use of client side JS for their function. I’m porting this to WebSockets in a hope that’ll fix it. Hence the red line if flat above.

Challenges and experience